Tuesday 6 October 2015

The Bhawaiya Song : Characteristics of Bhawaiya

It is quite relevant to ask the question – Are the Bhawaiya – Chatka songs characteristically real folk songs?

In the analysis of folk songs, continuity, variation and selection – these three elements have to be studied properly. The process of continuity-variation-selection is contained in the definition of International Folk Music Council. According to International Folk Music Council, held in Sao Paolo, Brazil in 1954, the three main characteristics of folk song are – 1) Continuity, 2) Variation, and 3) Selection. If we analyze the inherent qualities of Bhawaiya, we are convinced that the basic characteristics of folk song are very much found in Bhawaiya.

Tune, music and style or form of folk song is the expression of the community life intertwined with the production process. The production process involves the factors like the geographical, physical and natural environment in which the community lives and grows.

The knowledge of intimate relation between a specific musical scale and a specific group of people is quite important. Mode and style of singing, articulation of music mode are regulated by regionality. Regionality is the life-breath of any folk song. The melodic pattern of folk song of any particular community composed with the interaction of ascend, descend, cadence and the related qualities of notes, is closely connected with the special characteristics of that particular community – the social, cultural life of the community.

Whatever forms of songs may exit in that communal life, they cannot go beyond that melodic pattern. That becomes the main tune of the community defined by the particular geographical boundary and dialectical boundary. Such as the main melodic pattern of North Bengal and Western Assam is Bhawaiya.

As the tunes of folk songs are traditional, common people do not have to bother about its tunes. Lyrics are mostly simple and not difficult to memorise and remember. The folk composers hardly bother about the various grammatical and musicological characters relating to meter, pitch, lexicography etc. They sing the songs, which have been sung from generation to generation with little variation here and there. Because they are so close to the soil, nature and are nurtured by the open wide environmental conditions, these compositions are full of unlimited simplicity and liveliness. Folk songs have, therefore, grown out of socio-religious-economic needs coupled with the needs of enjoyment and entertainment.

The Bhawaiya songs have been composed in Kamrupi or Rajbanshi dialect that has remained the lingua franca of this vast area from the ancient times. They have been sung in traditional manner both in solo and chorus forms. Solo Bhawaiya songs relate to love, affection, union, separation, happiness and sorrows of individuals, description of nature etc. Chorus Bhawaiya songs relate to social and ritual functions, marriage ceremonies, folk-dramas etc.

The intimate relation between the folk and nature is another main characteristic of Bhawaiya. In Bhwaiya nature takes the fore front place. Buffaloes, Elephants, Birds, Rivers of this area, all find place in this song. Sometimes they reflected directly and sometimes obliquely through comparisons.
           According to Hemanga Biswas, the famous folk singer and researcher - “Besides the beautiful lyrical qualities, even from the viewpoint of melodic structure and sharpness, Bhawaiya is a rare wealth of not only Bengal but also the entire nation.

Judged from the above - mentioned important characteristics, it is clear that Bhawaiya is one of the popular folk songs of Bengal.

  1. Bhawaiyar Janmabhumi____ Mustafa Jaman Abbasi
  2. Bhawaiya____  Dr. Sukhbilas Barma

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